Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tastiest Resolution!

Good morning, everyone!

How are your New Years Resolutions holding up?
I have to say that mine is going quite well thus far. Though it's only been a couple of weeks, I am in a good "healthy" groove & I can't see myself breaking it (except on date nights). I feel so good. I have more energy & I've been sleeping better, but I think the best part is that the food I am eating doesn't taste healthy. Which is Always a plus! :)

I have oatmeal almost every morning. I Love oatmeal! I discovered Chocolate Covered Katie (I call her the Oatmeal Queen) & her many different oatmeal recipes. All of which are incredibly healthy AND delicious. :) The Almond Joy one is my favorite by a long shot. Peanut Butter Breakfast Pudding would be second with the Frappuccino one (Yes, it tastes Exactly like a frapp from Starbucks & you can eat it cold. It's so yummy) is a close third.

But check this out gang! (Did anyone catch my Conan reference there?)
Gather round gang! She has healthy cookie recipes too!

Oh my gosh are these cookies ever good. They're all vegan & have such small amounts of sugar that it's mostly protein or grain, depending on the type of cookie you're making. All her recipes are easy to follow & most of them are easy to manipulate depending on your diet (be it sugar free, gluten free, vegan, fat free, etc).

Yesterday my daughter practiced her reading with my son.
2 birds with one stone. She gets practice & the baby doesn't cry.

Whilst she did that, I made this!!
It's banana bread that I threw together in about 10 minutes.
The longest part was waiting for it to bake for 35 minutes.
It was so delicious. My poor husband is allergic to bananas, so he can't partake in this yumminess.
Poor me... I'm going to have to eat this whole thing myself. ;)
Oh, I forgot about my daughter. She hates bananas, but she loves banana muffins/breads. Isn't she weird?

The bread is one of her recipes. It's vegan & incredibly moist. Mine isn't as pretty as hers, but it tasted very good. The texture is a little bit different than a normal quick bread would be, but it's incredibly moist & scrumptious.

Today I am going to continue ignoring the giant tree in my living room (Yay for procrastinating!) & make some breakfast cookies she has on there & her Peanut Butter Bread. You all need to go visit her site! It is really wonderful. :)

All goals depending on the boy, of course. Sometimes he tells me that baking is silly & I should just hold him instead. :)

See that face?
It's his "Why aren't you holding me?" face.

What were your New Years Resolutions (Or did you make any)?
How are they going?

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